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Profile: Efraim Israel

Authors (99)

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Works (50+50/2311)

50. (Glory is that bright tragic thing) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
51. (Good Night! Which put the Candle out?) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
52. (Had I not seen the Sun) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
53. (He went by sleep that drowsy route) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
54. (Her Losses make our Gains ashamed —) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
55. (His Bill an Auger is) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
56. (How ruthless are the gentle —) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
57. (I cautious, scanned my little life —) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
58. (I felt my life with both my hands) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
59. (I had a daily Bliss) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
61. (I know of people in the Grave) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
62. (I like a look of Agony,) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
63. (I see thee clearer for the Grave) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
64. (I shall keep singing!) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
65. (I watched her face to see which way) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
66. (I Years had been from Home) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
68. (If I could tell how glad I was) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
69. (If I’m lost—now) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
70. (If my Bark sink) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
71. (In snow thou comest —) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
73. (Knock with tremor —) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
74. (Knows how to forget!) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
75. (Light is sufficient to itself —) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
76. (Me — come! My dazzled face) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
77. (Musicians wrestle everywhere —) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
80. (No man saw awe, nor to his house) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
81. (Not all die early, dying young —) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
82. (Of Bronze — and Blaze) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
83. (One Life of so much Consequence!) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
84. (Our little Kinsmen — after Rain) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
85. (Paradise is of the option.) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
86. (Prayer is the little implement) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
87. (Remorse is memory awake,) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
88. (Safe Despair it is that raves —) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
89. (Sang from the Heart, Sire,) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
90. (She sights a Bird — she chuckles —) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
91. (Should you but fail at – Sea –) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
92. (Sunset at Night — is natural —) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
93. (Sweet hours have perished here;) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
94. (The Angle of a Landscape —) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
96. (The farthest Thunder that I heard) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
97. (The Frost was never seen —) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
99. (The Himmaleh was known to stoop) [Dickinson, Emily; en]
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Translations (3142)

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