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Rúfus, Milan: The Quiet Miracle of Motherhood (Tichý zázrak materstva in English)

Portre of Rúfus, Milan

Tichý zázrak materstva (Slovak)

Nič nového niet v Božej dielni:
láskou je človek zraniteľný.

No z duše spraví taký sviatok,
že jej tá rana stála za to.

Láska -- to nie je dieťa chvíle.
Láska je dlhá, život krátky.

Nerozumieš tej skrytej sile?
Pýtaj sa na ňu svojej matky.

Matka je studňa, ty si okov.
Je studňa plná živej vody.

Čo by si čerpal tisíc rokov,
nevyčerpáš ju.

Nuž si kľakni.

Až potom vstaň a odíď.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the

The Quiet Miracle of Motherhood (English)

Nothing new from the workshop of God:
Love makes a man vulnerable.

Out of this spirit is made such a holiday,
such a great holiday that the pain is worth it.

Love – it’s not a child of the moment.
Love is long, life is short.

Do you not understand that hidden power?
Then ask your mother.

Mother is a well; you are a bucket.
A well full of living water.

That you could draw from for a thousand years
And not exhaust.

So kneel before her

And only after may you leave.

Uploaded byP. T.
PublisherCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, ISBN-10: 1511762810
Source of the quotationIn Poems
Publication date
