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The page of Aharoni, Ada, English bibliography

Image of Aharoni, Ada
Aharoni, Ada


 1. Whispered Thoughts - Haifa Publications, Haifa, Israel, 1970.
 2. Poems from Israel - Outposts, Surrey, England, 1972.
 3. Poems from Israel and Other Poems - Berger Publications, Pittsburgh, PA, 1974.
 4. Metal and Violets - Eked, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1978.
 5. From the Pyramids to Mount Carmel - Eked, T.A., Israel, 1979.
 6. The Second Exodus: A Historical Novel -Bryn Mawr, PA, 1983. ISBN: 0-8059-2862-6. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 82-90872.
 7. Thea: To Alexandria, Jerusalem and Freedom - Dorrance & Co. Bryn Mawr, PA, 1984. ISBN: 0-8059-2922-3. Library     of       Congress Catalog Card No. 84-91127.
 8. Shin Shalom: New Poems - A Bilingual Edition, edited and translated from Hebrew to English by Ada Aharoni - Eked: Tel Aviv, 1985. ISBN: 965-90139-4-9.
 9. Saul Bellow: A Mosaic, ed. Ada Aharoni, G. Cronin and L. Goldman; Peter Lang, N.Y.,N.Y., 1992. ISBN: 0-8204-1572-3.
10. Selected Poems from Israel - Lachman, Haifa, 1992. ISBN: 965-90139-5-7
11. A Song to Life and to World Peace, ed. A. Aharoni, Mike Scheidemann et al. Posner and Sons, Jerusalem, 1993. ISBN 965-219-013-6.
12. From the Nile to the Jordan - Tamuz, 1994, M.Lachman, 1997. ISBN: 965-90139-0-6.
13. Peace Flower: A Space Adventure - Lachman, Haifa, 1994, 1996. ISBN: 965-90139.A Spoken Book Taped Edition was published by Ladybug Press, Ca., 1999.
14. Memoirs from Alexandria: Not In Your War Anymore - Hatikhon, G. Farah, Shfar-Am, 1997. ISBN: 965-90139-2-2.
15. Galim Literary Magazine, nos 1 - 8, editedAdaAharoni - Tammuz, Tel-Aviv1985- 1996.
16. Waves of Peace: In the Memory of Yitzhak Rabin, Galim 8, edited Ada Aharoni and Judith Zilbershtein, Hatichon: Shfaram, 1997. ISBN 965-222-774-9.
17. Peace Poems, A Bi-lingual Edition - Preface by M. Fawzi Deif, Cairo University,M. Lachman, Haifa, 1997.
18. Not In Vain: An Extraordinary Life - Ladybug Publishing House, California, 1998.ISBN 1-889409-18-(pbk)
19. Lirit: Poetry Israel, Founded and Edited by Ada Aharoni, Electronic Magazine o­n Internet, the Hebrew Writers Association,Agudat Ha-Sofrim Ha-Ivrim,Tel Aviv, no. 1- 1997,no.2 - 1998.
20. Horizon: Pave Peace, o­nlineMagazine, nos.1 - 5. IFLAC- IPRA, 1996 - 2003.
21. Metal et Violettes: (In French), Characteres, Paris, 1996.
22. Du Nil Au Jourdain: (In French), Stavit, Paris, 2002.
23. You and I Can Change the World: Toward 2000, Micha Lachman, Haifa, 1999.
24. WomenCreate A World Beyond War and Violence, Micha Lachman, Haifa, 2002.
25. Three E-Books and C.D’s:1. You and I, 2. Peace Flower, 3. Women and  Peace,Rowe Publications, England, 2003.
26. Selected Poems: Bilingual, Chinese – English, The Milky Way, Hong Kong, 2002. ISBN 962-475-288-5.


(Editor of this page: Répás Norbert)

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