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The page of Glenday, John, English Works translated to Slovak

Image of Glenday, John
Glenday, John


Báseň {Répás Norbert} (Poem)
Cudzinec {Répás Norbert} (Stranger)
Embryo veľryby hrbatej {Répás Norbert} (Humpback embryo [video])
Krajinka s lietajúcim mužom {Répás Norbert} (Landscape with flying man)
Mamine obľúbené kvety {Répás Norbert} (My Mother’s Favourite Flower)
Modlitba vo Westray {Répás Norbert} (A Westray Prayer)
Netmavo {Répás Norbert} (Undark)
Strážca ohňa {Répás Norbert} (The Matchsafe)
Teraz čítaj ďalej {Répás Norbert} (Now Read On [video])
Záliv {Répás Norbert} (Noust)

(Editor of this page: P. T.)

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