Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne: A Sigh (Suk in English)
Suk (Norwegian)Aftensolens Hygge ikke kan mit Vindu naa, Morgensolen ligesaa; -- her er altid Skygge.
Sol paa begge Sider, vil Du ej i Kamret ind? Her faldt Straaler paa et Sind, som i Mørke strider.
Morgensolens Glæde, o, Du er min Barndomstid; mens Du leger ren og hvid, jeg kan næsten græde.
Aftensolens Hvile, ak, Du er den Vises Ro; -- længer frem, saa vil Du jo mod mit Vindu smile?
Morgensolens Sange, o, Du er den Fantasi, Verden solglad løftes i, -- den, jeg ej kan fange!
Aftensolens Mildhed, Du er mer end Visdoms Ro, thi Du er den Kristnes Tro: naa mig med din Stilhed!
A Sigh (English)Evening sunshine never Solace to my window bears, Morning sunshine elsewhere fares;-- Here are shadows ever.
Sunshine freely falling, Wilt thou not my chamber find? Here some rays would reach a mind, 'Mid the dark appalling.
Morning sunshine's gladness, Oh, thou art my childhood bright; While thou playest pure and white, I would weep in sadness.
Evening sunshine's whiling, Oh, thou art the wise man's rest;-- Farther on! Then from the west Greet my window smiling!
Morning sunshine's singing, Oh, thou art the fantasy That the sun-glad world lift free, Past my powers' winging.
Evening sunshine's quiet, Thou art more than wisdom's rest, Christian faith glows in thee blest: Calm my soul's wild riot!