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Macsovszky, Peter : Stanza reincarnated (Reinkarnácia strofy Angol nyelven)

Macsovszky, Peter  portréja

Reinkarnácia strofy (Szlovák)

Prvá strofa si nenárokuje na funkciu
výstižnej expozície.
Práve preto nemá čo povedať.

Druhá strofa neplytvá priestorom tak,
ako to práve robí prvá strofa,
ale rozvíja jej myšlienku, graduje
motív, vnáša do textu potrebnú tenziu,
ktorá však bude, pravdepodobne,
v tretej strofe utlmená.

Tretia strofa objasňuje spôsob,
akým sa piata strofa včleňuje
do poetického kontextu
štvrtej strofy. Dalo by sa povedať,
že do istej miery má ráz metatextu.

Štvrtá strofa má macošský postoj
k tretej strofe; je to neželaná
reciprocita, akési pozastavenie
gradácie – počiatok regresu,
jeden zo znakov recesie.

Piata strofa je síce napísaná
aspoň tak obratne ako tretia,
no pre štvrtú nič neznamená.

Šiesta strofa je napísaná.

KiadóStrach z utópie, 1994

Stanza reincarnated (Angol)

The first stanza is not aimed
to be an appropriate introduction.
Therefor it has nothing to express.

The second stanza does not waste
the space as the first one does,
but it develops its idea and describes
the motive, increasing the necessary tension,
which - in the third stanza - would be
(probably) softened down.

The third stanza tries to explain the way
the fifth stanza fits in the poetic context
of the fourth stanza. One could remark
that it has the air of a metatext.

The fourth stanza has a step-motherlike
attitude to the third stanza; it is
a non-required reciprocity the stopping
the gradation - the beginning of regress,
a sign of irony maybe.
The fifth stanza is written
so skilfully like the third one,
but it has no meaning for
the fourth stanza.

The sixth stanza is put down.

Az idézet forrásaVilenica, p. 266.
