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The page of Sachs, Nelly, Works translated to English

Image of Sachs, Nelly
Sachs, Nelly


[But the sunflower] {Plattner, Eric} ([Aber die Sonnenblume])
Cain {Sommer, Catterel and Catherine} (Kain)
Chorus Of The Unborn {Sommer, Catterel and Catherine} (Chor der Ungeborenen)
Chorus Of The Wanderers {Sommer, Catterel and Catherine} (Chor der Wandernden)
[I do not know the field] {Plattner, Eric} ([Ich kenne nicht den Raum])
If The Prophets Broke In {Sommer, Catterel and Catherine} (Wenn die Propheten einbrächen)
In My Room {Sommer, Catterel and Catherine} (In meiner Kammer)
Only In Sleep {Sommer, Catterel and Catherine} (Nur im Schlaf)
[Sleep weaves its web of breath] {Sommer, Catterel and Catherine} ([Schlaf webt das Atemnetz])
So Lonely Is Man {Sommer, Catterel and Catherine} (So einsam ist der Mensch)
[The old couple] {Plattner, Eric, Suglia, Joseph} ([Die beiden Alten])
The Swan {Plattner, Eric} (Der Schwan)
When Breath {Sommer, Catterel and Catherine} (Wenn der Atem)

(Editor of this page: P. T.)

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