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English and Scottish Folk Ballads: The Farmer's Curst Wife

Portre of English and Scottish Folk Ballads

The Farmer's Curst Wife (English)

There was an old farmer who lived on a hill

  Riteful, riteful, titty fie day,

If he ain't moved away, he's a livin there still

  Riteful, riteful, titty fie day.


So he hitched the pig with his old cow

And plowed the corn, the Devil knows how.


Well, the Devil he came to the old man's plow

"It's your oldest son I'm after now."


"You cannot have my oldest son

You'll have to take the old woman or none."


So the devil he took her all up on his back

And like and old fool he went carrying his pack.


There sat little Devils all bound in chain,

She upped with her shovel and knocked out their brains.


Then three little Devils peeped over the wall

Crying, "Take her back, Daddy, she'll brain us all."


So the devil he took her all up on his back

And like and old fool he went carrying her back.


Now that shows that the women are worse than the men

They'll go to Hell and come back again.

  Riteful, riteful, titty fie day.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation

A paraszt pokolba ragadott felesége (Hungarian)

Egy öregembernek kis birtoka volt,

  szkratafilé filé filidbe finum,

s nem voltak ökrei, szántani jók,

  szkratafilé filé filidbe finum.


Igába fogta a disznait és

odajött az ördög: „Hogy vagy, ekés?"


„Jaj, ördög, óhajtod az életemet?"

„Dehogy, csak a csúf feleségedet."


„Vidd el, adom én szivesen, vigyed el,

Istent kérem, sose váljatok el."


Az ördög vállra vetette a nőt

s futott a pokolba, mint azelőtt.


Az asszony látta: bilincse vagyon,

fölemelte a lábát s rúgta agyon.


Egy csöpp ördög kukucskált falon át:

„Ez mindnyájunkat a sírba leránt."


Az ördög vállra vetette a nőt,

ügetve, sietve vivé haza őt.


Az ekés emberhez visszavivén,

szólt: „Böszme barom, nem viszlek el én."


„Öreg feleségem, jól van, jól:

megölve az ördög mind s a pokol."

  Szkratafilé filé filidbe finum.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation
