Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson: Reggeli (Breakfast in Hungarian)
Breakfast (English)We ate our breakfast lying on our backs, Because the shells were screeching overhead. I bet a rasher to a loaf of bread That Hull United would beat Halifax When Jimmy Strainthorpe played full-back instead Of Billy Bradford. Ginger raised his head And cursed, and took the bet; and dropped back dead. We ate our breakfast lying on our backs, Because the shells were screeching overhead.
Reggeli (Hungarian)Reggeliztünk hanyatt feküdve mi, mert gránát fütyült a fejünk felett. Fél cipó ellen szalonnát teszek – mondtam –: a Hull United megveri a Halifaxet, ha Stainthorpe a bekk, s nem Bradford. Ginger fölemelkedett, cifrát mondott, s fogadott, s elesett. Reggeliztünk hanyatt feküdve mi, mert gránát fütyült a fejünk felett.