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Thomas, Dylan: A Process In The Weather Of The Heart

Portre of Thomas, Dylan

A Process In The Weather Of The Heart (English)

A process in the weather of the heart
Turns damp to dry; the golden shot
Storms in the freezing tomb.
A weather in the quarter of the veins
Turns night to day; blood in their suns
Lights up the living worm.

A process in the eye forwarns
The bones of blindness; and the womb
Drives in a death as life leaks out.

A darkness in the weather of the eye
Is half its light; the fathomed sea
Breaks on unangled land.
The seed that makes a forest of the loin
Forks half its fruit; and half drops down,
Slow in a sleeping wind.

A weather in the flesh and bone
Is damp and dry; the quick and dead
Move like two ghosts before the eye.

A process in the weather of the world
Turns ghost to ghost; each mothered child
Sits in their double shade
A process blows the moon into the sun,
Pulls down the shabby curtains of the skin;
And the heart gives up its dead.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
Source of the

Dianie v počasí srdca (Slovak)

Dianie v počasí srdca
na sucho vlhkosť premieňa; zlatá strela
v mrznúcom hrobe vybuchuje.
Počasie vo štvrti žíl
noc na deň premieňa; krv ich sĺnk
živého červa ožaruje.

Dianie v oku pripomína
budúcu slepotu kostiam; a lono
do smrti vháňa, keď sa život kľuje.

Temnota v počasí oka
je spola jeho svetlom; more dohlboka
na bezuhlú zem sa derie.
Semeno, ktoré vyrásť dá lesu z lona,
poltí svoj plod; a zvoľna
polovica ho padá v spiacom vetre.

Počasie v kostiach a v mäse
vlhké je a suché; živý a mŕtvy pohybujú sa
jak dvaja duchovia popred oči.

Dianie v počasí sveta
na ducha ducha premieňa; každé zrodené dieťa
v ich podvojnom tieni sedáva.
Dianie vdychuje mesiac do slnka,
strháva ošúchanú záclonku pokožky;
a srdce mŕtveho svojho vydáva.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
PublisherSlovenský spisovateľ
Source of the quotationJán Stacho - Preklady
Bookpage (from–to)277-278
Publication date
