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Yeats, William Butler: Rohanvást a paradicsomba (Running to paradise in Hungarian)

Portre of Yeats, William Butler
Portre of Kálnoky László

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Running to paradise (English)

As I came over Windy Gap
They threw a halfpenny into my cap,
For I am running to Paradise;
And all that I need do is to wish
And somebody puts his hand in the dish
To throw me a bit of salted fish:
And there the king is but as the beggar.

My brother Mourteen is worn out
With skelping his big brawling lout,
And I am running to Paradise;
A poor life do what he can,
And though he keep a dog and a gun,
A serving maid and a serving man:
And there the king is but as the beggar.

Poor men have grown to be rich men,
And rich men grown to be poor again,
And I am running to Paradise;
And many a darling wit’s grown dull
That tossed a bare heel when at school,
Now it has filled an old sock full:
And there the king is but as the beggar.

The wind is old and still at play
While I must hurry upon my way,
For I am running to Paradise;
Yet never have I lit on a friend
To take my fancy like the wind
That nobody can buy or bind:
And there the king is but as the beggar.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation

Rohanvást a paradicsomba (Hungarian)

Elhagyva a Szeles Odút,
sapkámba egy félpenny hullt,
mert én a paradicsomba mék;
ott óhaj az óhaj nem marad,
fazékba nyúlva sóshalat
vetnek, enyém ez a jó falat:
s ott dús, koldus egy számba vétetik.

Mourteen bátyámnak dolgot ád
verni vásott kamasz fiát,
én meg a paradicsomba mék;
szegényes az ő élete,
bár van puskája és ebe,
szolgálója meg bérese:
s ott dús, koldus egy számba vétetik.

Szegény ember fölgazdagul,
s szegény lesz újra a gazdag úr,
én meg a paradicsomba mék;
okosakból lesznek ostobák,
s ki meztéláb járt oskolát,
büszkén mutogatja bocskorát:
s ott dús, koldus egy számba vétetik.

Lebeg a régi, játszi szél,
míg engem sürget a messzi cél,
mert én a paradicsomba mék;
de jó barát sose nyerte meg
szélkönnyű képzeletemet,
mely alkut un, zabolát levet:
s ott dús, koldus egy számba vétetik.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotationK. L.
