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József Attila: Mikor az uccán átment a kedves

Portre of József Attila

Mikor az uccán átment a kedves (Hungarian)

Mikor az uccán átment a kedves,
galambok ültek a verebekhez.

Mikor gyöngéden járdára lépett,
édes bokája derengve fénylett.

Mikor a válla picikét rándult,
egy kis fiúcska utána bámult.

Lebegve lépett - már gyúlt a villany
s kedvükre nézték, csodálták vígan.

És ránevettek, senki se bánta,
hogy ő a szívem gyökere-ága.

Akit ringattam vigyázva, ölben,
óh hogy aggódtam - elveszik tőlem!

De begyes kedvük szivemre rászállt,
letörte ott az irígy virágszált.

És ment a kedves, szépen, derűsen,
karcsú szél hajlott utána hűsen!


Source of the quotation

When my dear one crossed the street (English)

My dear one crossed the street where it narrows,
doves flew down to spend time with the sparrows.
Gently she stepped on the pavement - delight -
her ankle reflected the glint of the light.
Once, when her shoulder had moved by a touch,
a youth, just passing, was leering too much.
Light was her step, the streetlights were burning,
those passing by were staring with yearning.
They smiled and they did not think for a start
that she's the branches and root of my heart.
She, whom I cuddled - let me clearly say -
I fretted that they would take her away.
But then those desires caused me to grin,
snapped off the head of the envy within.
And thus my dear one did gaily proceed,
with cooling breezes that followed her lead.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotationL. A. K.
