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Sorescu, Marin: Fresco (Fresca in English)

Portre of Sorescu, Marin

Fresca (Romanian)

In iad pacatosii
Sunt valorificati la maximum.
Femeilor li se scot din cap
Cu o penseta
Clamele, agrafele, inelele, bratarile,
Panzeturile, lenjeria de pat.
Dupa aceea sunt aruncate
In clocotul unor cazane,
Sa fie atente la smoala,
Sa nu dea in foc.

Apoi unele sunt transformate in sufertase
Cu care se cara la domiciliul dracilor pensionari
Pacatele calde.

Barbatii sunt si ei folositi
La cele mai grele munci,
Cu exceptia celor foarte parosi
Care sunt torsi din nou
Si facuti presuri.

Source of the quotation

Fresco (English)

When the wicked
Are recycled in hell
Nothing goes to waste.

By means of tweezers
From women's heads are gleaned
Combs, grips, pins, rings,
Soft goods and bed linen.
Then they are cast
Into bubbling cauldrons
To see that the brimstone
Doesn't boil over.

Afterwards, some
Are made into saucepans
And carry hot sins
To the homes of retired devils.

The males too are made use of
For all the heavy work.
Except the very hairy:
They are rewoven
And made into doormats.

Source of the quotation
