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Groch, Erik: Mária z poľa

Portre of Groch, Erik

Mária z poľa (Slovak)

Mária z poľa, Mária ohorené líca,
Mária oči z popola, z polárnej noci počatá,
Mária z divých údov, žiariacich ako mesto,
Mária smola, Mária stehná horiace a tvár
– letlampa na štíte kvitnúcej súcnosti -
ty, ktorá prvá si ma vzala do úst, takže ťa
dodnes cítim, žeravú obruč vrastenú do mäsa;

spomeň si na mňa, mariko, v hodine slepej a neústupnej,
ako ja si spomínam, schýlený uprostred studenej kúpeľne,
odvrátený od zrkadla ako od jesene a milosrdne prikrytý
závojom šedivej aury, tak mimovoľne a nežne utkaným,
akoby ani nepochádzal z tejto nevyhnutnej, nevysloviteľnej

PublisherDruhá naivita

Maria from the field (English)

Maria from the field, Maria the burnt cheeks,
Maria the eyes of ash, conceived from the polar night,
Maria from wild limbs shining like a city,
Maria the tar, Maria the burning thighs and the face
– the soldering iron on the peak of  existence in bloom–
you who were the first to take me into your mouth so that
I feel you to this day, the red-hot ring grown deep in the flesh:

recall me, mariko¸ in a blind and unbending hour,
as I recall, bent in the middle of the cold bathroom,
turned away from the mirror as from the autumn and graciously covered
with a veil of whitish aura, so casually and tenderly woven,
as if it did not come from this inevitable, unspeakably sprouting

Source of the quotationOne Hundred Years of Slovak Literature, Vilenica
