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Janík, Pavol: Astonishment (Úžas in English)

Portre of Janík, Pavol

Úžas (Slovak)

Vystieram vodu,
v ktorej sa zračíš.

Krikom upchávam
tušené odtoky.

Takto zbavený reči
oslovujem ťa dychom.
Až sa ľadom zasklievaš predo mnou
ako pred prievanom.

Neúnavne búšiš pod meravou hladinou
a na okamih rozsvecuješ dno,
aby som uzrel deň,
ktorý sa v tebe ešte len zažne.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
PublisherSmena Bratislava / Edícia MLADÁ TVORBA
Source of the quotationNezaručené správy
Bookpage (from–to)66-66
Publication date

Astonishment (English)

I stretch out the water
in which you are reflected.

With a shout to stop
all possible outflows.

I address you by breath
such release of speech.
Until you are glassy with ice before me
as before a draught.

Tirelessly you quiver under the numb surface
and on the bottom for a moment gleam
so that I glimpse the day,
which will only light up in you.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
Source of the quotationtranslator

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