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Rúfus, Milan: The road to school through the fields (Poľná cesta do gymnázia in English)

Portre of Rúfus, Milan
Portre of Stevo, Allan

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Poľná cesta do gymnázia (Slovak)

Píšem si počty,
počty opozdené:

Kráčal som dvanásť kilometrov denne.
Šesť do školy, šesť domov.
Po celých osem rokov.

Koľko to bolo krokov
do snehu, do hliny,
do mrmlajúcich hromov...

Šliapaná nielen nohami
(aj srdce do nej búši),
je tam tá cestička
a drží pod nami.

I v mojej vďačnej duši.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation

The road to school through the fields (English)

I write math problems,
turned in late:

I marched eight miles a day, each day.
Four to school, four home.
The entire eight years.

How many steps did I take
through snow, through clay,
into murmuring thunder?

The road was trudged along not only by my feet,
but next to her beat each pounding of my heart.
That little road was there and is there
and holds firm under us even today.

Holds firm in my grateful soul.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation
