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Strážay, Štefan: From an old painting (Zo starého obrazu in English)

Portre of Strážay, Štefan

Zo starého obrazu (Slovak)

Ráno mi vošlo do spánku
zázračné dievča. Predchádzajúci sen
bol potrhaný, plný zľaknutí,
a ona vošla, úplná a nahá,
silná, plavovlasá,
akoby prežiarená
matnou lampou,
vyrovnaná a celá
láskavo telesná -
no tvár mala vážnu.
Smrť často maľovali
ako anjela.

PublisherMalinovského 96. Slovenský spisovateľ 1985
Source of the quotationDeath of Marat made by Edvard Munch in 1907

From an old painting (English)

A magical maiden stepped into
my sleep early one morning. The dream before
had been torn, full of frights,
And there she came, complete and naked,
vital, fair haired,
As if illuminated
By a dim lamp
from behind,
Composed and wholly
Tender, sensuous -
yet her face was grave.
Death was often painted
as an angel.

Source of the quotationOne Hundred Years of Slovak Literature
