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Válek, Miroslav: Sun (Slnko in English)

Portre of Válek, Miroslav

Slnko (Slovak)

Obilie žltne.
Slama na klobúky
krásne dozrieva.
Deň ako stvorený je na čítanie z ruky.
ďatle klopú do dreva.
Všade na svete to značí SOS.

V belasom vzduchu utopil sa les.
Milenci v ňom sedia s bledou tvárou,
pijú slnko s octom,
jedia kyslé jablká,
rátajú si prsty na nohách a na rukách,
tešia sa, že k životu to stačí.

Modrý les. Nad lesom sa mračí.
Z mračien zrazu odlomil sa blesk.
Zem sa nahla.
Sosny narazili čelom o čelo.
Tak sa z
ľakla, až sa zotmelo.

A ja by som ti kúpil
letnú búrku s kvetinami,
krotký blesk, čo by sa v nich pásol.

Keby som nemal na chleba a na so
na kúsok slnka by som mal.

Ja ti nič nevyčítam.
Teba každý
Tebe to všetci vyčítajú z ruky:

ď usmeješ sa,
vyjdú dúhy pávov
a tam, kde stúpaš, rieky pramenia.

Obilie žltne.
Slama na klobúky
práve dozrieva.

Ale ja stále chodím s nepokrytou hlavou,
plnou trápenia.


Sun (English)

Wheat yellows.
Straw for hats
ripens beautifully.
A day as if created for reading palms.
A drowsy woodpecker knocks on wood.
Everywhere in the world this means SOS.

The forest is drowned in bright blue air.
Lovers sit within it with pale faces,
they drink sun and vinegar,
they eat sour apples,
they count their fingers and toes,
they rejoice that this suffices for a life.

Blue forest. It's clouding up above the forest.
From the clouds lightning suddenly breaks.
The earth stoops.
Pines bang together, brow to brow.
She's so frightened that it's got dark.

And I would buy you
a summer storm with flowers,
timid lightning which might graze on it.

Even if I had nothing for bread or salt
I'd find something for a piece of the sun.
I can't blame you for anything.
Everybody loved you.

They all read it in your palm:

When you smile
the rainbows of peacocks appear
and where you step rivers show their heads.

Wheat yellows.
Straw for hats
ripens beautifully.

But I still walk bareheaded
full of troubles.

Source of the quotation100 Years of Slovak Literature, Vilenica
