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Droogenbroodt, Germain: Signs

Portre of Droogenbroodt, Germain

Signs (English)

Between the branches of the trees
plays silence a fugue of silence
thoughts whirl down
autumn leaves alike
at the spring of time
in the azure air
white clouds float

oriental calligraphy
at heaven’s canvas.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
Source of the quotationGermain Droogenbroodt / From “Unshadowed Light”

Znamenia (Slovak)

Medzi konármi stromov
mlčanie hrá fúgu ticha
myšlienky víria nadol
ako jesenné lístie
v prúde času
na azúrovej oblohe
plávajú biele oblaky

orientálny krasopis
na nebeskom plátne.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
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Source of the quotationtranslators
