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Silverstein, Shel: Tégy hozzá valamit (Put something in in Hungarian)

Portre of Silverstein, Shel
Portre of Bittner Gábor

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Put something in (English)

Draw a crazy picture,
Write a nutty poem,
Sing a mumble-gumble song,
Whistle through your comb.
Do a loony-goony dance
‘Cross the kitchen floor,
Put something silly in the world
That ain’t been there before.

Uploaded byEfraim Israel
Source of the quotation

Tégy hozzá valamit (Hungarian)

Rajzolj flúgos képet,
Dinnye verset írj,
Dirmi-dörmi dalt dalolj,
Fésűdön dúdolj.
A konyha köveit,
Tégy a világhoz valami
Eddig nem volt dilit.


Uploaded byBittner Gábor
Source of the quotationsaját
