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The main idea of this project is unique: Babelmatrix is a multidimensional-multilingual web anthology, which is displaying parallelly the original and the translated works. This provides the users with an adequate glimps into the culture of other European countries, in which the national literatures play a decisive role. This portal is representing and realizing the European idea of multilinguism, unity in diversity.
Osztályrészem (Hungarian)Partra szállottam. Levonom vitorlám. |
Mói udział (Polish)Otom ujrzał brzeg i winduję żagle. […] |
Szeptember végén (Hungarian)Még nyílnak a völgyben a kerti virágok, Elhull a virág, eliramlik az élet... |
Krajem septembra (Croatian)U dolu još cveta kasnih basta cveće, […] |
Kot w pustym mieszkaniu (Polish)Umrzeć – tego nie robi się kotu. |
Il gatto in un appartamento vuoto (Italian)Morire - questo a un gatto non si fa. […] |